Since 1994, the Silva Forest Foundation has sponsored workshops and given presentations at a wide variety of venues. Below you will find a list of these events.
- Ecosystem-based Conservation Planning workshop, University of British Columbia, Kelowna
- Ecosystem-based Conservation Planning workshop, St’at’imc Nation, Lillooet, BC
- Appreciative Inquiry workshop, St’at’imc Nation, Lillooet, BC
- Appreciative Inquiry workshop, Saskatoon, SK
- Eco-Cultural Restoration workshop with instructors Dennis Martinez and Herb Hammond, on Galiano Island, BC
- Forest Ecology and Planning workshop on Galiano Island, BC
- Ecosystem-based Conservation Planning workshop for the Haida Gwaii land use planning table, Massett, Haida Gwaii
- Presentation on EBCP at the Man-o-Min transboundary conference, International Falls, Minnesota
- Eco-cultural Restoration workshop with instructors Dennis Martinez and Herb Hammond, Nelson, BC
- Community Summit—invitational workshop for communities with ecosystem-based plans, Silva School near Salmo, BC
- Presentation at the Leading Edge National Conference, Victoria, BC
- Presentation at the Land Trust Alliance annual conference, Cowichan, BC
- Presentation to the Global Living Project, Slocan Valley, BC
- Introduction to ecosystem-based planning workshop for Russian Indigenous leaders, Xaxli’p, Lillooet, BC
- Presentation at the Land Trust Alliance Annual Conference, Nanaimo, BC
- Presentation at the Community Forest Forum, Victoria, BC
- Workshop on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning for Shawnigan Lake community on Vancouver Island, BC
- Presentation on old-growth forests and ecosystem-based planning to Clayoquot Sound Symposium, Tofino, BC
- Presentation on boreal forest ecological ecosystem-based planning to North-Central Saskatchewan land use planning table, LaRonge, SK
- Taiga Rescue Network International Boreal Forest Conference in Winnipeg, MB
- Silva’s international interns’ orientation workshop, at the Silva School near Salmo, BC
- Introduction to ecosystem-based planning workshop with instructors Herb and Susan Hammond, at Hollyhock, Cortes Island, BC
- Presentation on ecosystem-based planning to graduate students in the Environmental Studies program at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
- Training for potential forest management certifiers under the FSC system, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
- Certification workshops on SFF’s FSC accredited standards in Kamloops, Prince George, and Nanaimo, BC
- Silva’s international interns’ orientation workshop, at the Silva School near Salmo, BC
- Presentation on the importance of old-growth forests at the Ancient Forests Conference, Vancouver, BC
- Presentation on SFF’s ecosystem-based forest management certification at the Certification Forum, Victoria, BC
- Forest Watch of British Columbia workshop on ecosystem-based monitoring of timber company operations, at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC1
- Silva’s international interns’ orientation workshop, at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC
- Presentation on SFF’s ecosystem-based forest management certification to the Certification Forum in Victoria and Vancouver, BC
- Training for BC certifiers in SFF’s FSC accredited ecosystem-based forest management standards at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC
- Workshop for Russian foresters on ecosystem-based forestry, at the Silva School near Salmo, BC
- Presentation on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning to FLOW conference in New Denver, BC
- Presentations on ecosystem-based forest management certification throughout BC
- Ecologically Responsible Timber Management at the Stand Level with instructors Dean Berg and Herb Hammond, at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC
- Introduction to ecosystem-based planning workshop with instructor Herb Hammond, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
- Introduction to ecosystem-based planning with instructor Herb Hammond, Whitehorse, Yukon
- Ecosystem-based planning for horse loggers with instructor Herb Hammond, Quesnel, BC
- Ecological Economics with instructors Tom Green and Herb Hammond, Victoria, BC
- Ecosystem-based landscape level planning workshop with instructor Herb Hammond, Haida Gwaii
- Ecosystem-based stand level management workshop with instructor Herb Hammond, Skidegate and field locations, Haida Gwaii
- Practical Forest Hydrology workshop with instructor Allen Isaacson, Nelson, BC
- Ecologically Responsible Timber Management, Module 2 workshop with instructors Herb Hammond, Dean Berg, and Jim Smith, at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC
- Presentations on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning at various locations in Germany and in Brussels, Belgium
- Community presentations in Concrete, Washington; Denman Island, BC; Quadra Island, BC; Libby, Montana; and Grand Forks, BC
- Presentation on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning to Selkirk College forestry students, Castlegar, BC
- Presentation on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning to the forestry committee of the Pulp, Paper, and Woodworkers of Canada, Vancouver, BC
- Workshop on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning with Earth Matters, Nelson, BC
- Presentation on boreal forest ecology and ecosystem-based conservation planning at the Taiga Rescue Network conference, Kuusamo, Finland
- Ecological Economics workshop with instructors Tom Green and Herb Hammond, Nelson, BC
- Forest Diseases and Insects workshop with instructor Art Partridge, at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC
- Practical Forest Hydrology workshop with instructor Allen Isaacson, Nelson, BC
- Presentation on ecosystem-based planning to the Global Living Project, Slocan Valley, BC
- Workshop on ecosystem-based planning at the provincial Community Development Institute, Nelson, BC
- Workshop by Herb Hammond on ecosystem-based planning for the School of Urban and Rural Planning, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Presentation on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning at the Clayoquot Sound Symposium, Tofino, BC
- Practical Forest Hydrology workshop with Allen Isaacson, at the Silva School, near Salmo, BC
- Ecosystem-based stand level management with instructors Herb Hammond, Rainer Muenter, and Art Partridge, at the Silva school, near Salmo, BC
- Presentation on GIS mapping of ecosystem-based planning at GIS World ’95, Vancouver, BC
- Presentation on forest ecology and ecosystem-based planning at Sustainable Forests conference, Saskatoon, SK
- Introduction to ecosystem-based planning workshop with instructor Herb Hammond, Salmo, BC
- Practical Forest Hydrology workshop with instructor Allen Isaacson, Salmo, BC
- Ecologically Responsible Forest Use at the Stand Level, Module 1 with instructors Herb Hammond and Greg Utzig, Salmo, BC
- Presentation on ecosystem-based planning at the Down to Earth conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, San Jose, Costa Rica